Darwin Neuroevolution Framework
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core::PropertySet Class Reference

The foundation for data structures supporting runtime reflection. More...

#include <properties.h>

Inheritance diagram for core::PropertySet:
core::NonCopyable ann::Config ballistics::Config car_track::Config cart_pole::Config conquest::Config darwin::EvolutionConfig darwin::ExperimentSetup double_cart_pole::Config drone_follow::Config drone_track::Config drone_vision::Config find_max_value::Config harvester::Config pong::Config selection::CgpIslandsSelectionConfig selection::RouletteSelectionConfig selection::TruncationSelectionConfig test_domain::Config tic_tac_toe::Config tournament::SimpleTournamentConfig tournament::SwissTournamentConfig unicycle::Config

Public Member Functions

vector< Property * > properties ()
 Accessor to the list of properties.
vector< const Property * > properties () const
 Accessor to the list of properties.
void resetToDefaultValues ()
 Resets all the properties to the default values.
void copyFrom (const PropertySet &src)
 Transfer values between two property sets.
void seal (bool sealed=true)
 After sealing a PropertySet, all attempts to modify it through the Property interface will throw an exception (even if setting to the same value)
bool sealed () const
 Returns true if the property set is sealed.
void onPropertyChange (const Property *property)
 Called before updating a property value.
json toJson () const
 Serialize all the properties to a json object. More...
void fromJson (const json &json_obj)
 Deserialize a set of properties from a json object. More...

Detailed Description

The foundation for data structures supporting runtime reflection.

PropertySet provides portable-C++ support for structures containing self-describing properties (no build time pre-processing or external tools are required, this is a compiler-only solution)


In order to support the runtime reflection, a structure must derive from core::Properties. The individual properties are then declared using the PROPERTY() macro, for example:

// PROPERTY(name, type, default_value, description)
struct Config : public core::PropertySet {
PROPERTY(max_value, int, 100, "Maximum value");
PROPERTY(resolution, float, 0.3f, "Display resolution");
PROPERTY(name, string, "darwin", "Name");
PROPERTY(layers, vector<int>, {}, "Hidden layer sizes");

Direct member access (as regular struct members)

This zero-overhead compared with regular C++ structs was one of the key requirements, since the reflected structures are commonly configuration values which could be read on the hot paths (in contrast, the high PropertySet instantiation cost and the reflection path overhead were deemed acceptable)

Config config;
// set Config::max_value
config.max_value = 75;
// read Config::name
auto name = config.name;

Using the runtime reflection support

void printProperties(const core::PropertySet* config) {
// enumerate properties
for (const auto& property : config->properties()) {
// read the property name and value as strings
core::log("%s = %s\n", property->name(), property->value());
This is a specialized reflection solution intended to support dynamic UIs and serializing configuration values. Since every instance of PropertySet-derived structures builds its own internal reflection metadata it may not be appropriate for use cases where there are lots of instances of the reflected structures, or when the object creation performance is critical.
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ fromJson()

void core::PropertySet::fromJson ( const json &  json_obj)

Deserialize a set of properties from a json object.

The deserialization is not strict:

  • Extra json properties are ignored
  • Missing properties will be set to the default values

◆ toJson()

json core::PropertySet::toJson ( ) const

Serialize all the properties to a json object.

We use the string representation of values, even when there's a native json representation, for example integers.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: